Does Practice Make a Man Perfect?
Yes, do you really think that practice makes a man perfect? No, you are wrong. Don’t be surprised, it’s true.
Few days back, I met one of my college friends, his name is Deepak. He is doing a job in Education Organisation and really enjoying it. We discussed our life goals and what we have experienced in our life. I am very thankful to you for reading this article; I believe I will deliver to you the understanding of what i want to say with this article “does Practice Make a Man Perfect?”

We all know that now days the most expensive thing is our time. Time is money. We put our time to make most of it with doing our work. We believe in our self, our mentors, our strategy and work day in day out to achieve our goals, sometimes we don’t achieve it. That time we think what different should we do to achieve goals OR to know what leaders do to achieve their goals.
Leaders make a habit of those things, not done by others:
– Leaders work for others
– Leaders work day in day out
– Good habits make good characters
– Good habits come hard, make life to live easily
– They return more what they get in there life
– They are always motivated and feel like a champion
Ultimately – we come to know that the leaders don’t do different things, they do things differently. So Smart and Fruitful practice increase the probability to makes a man perfect.
What we need to do to get success?
There are two things those allowed us to get success, these are skill and will. We should have skills of the work you do OR what to do. If you have will power then you will get success definitely.
– You should have a burning desire of your dream.
– If you feel the fire in the belly for success, you will get it.
– Killer Instinct allows you to fulfil your goals
We all have a plan/aim to complete, but only having an aim is not sufficient to be successful. We need to have will power and desire to follow until we don’t get succeed.
Life is a decision and also a compromise; it’s up to you what you select.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.